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  • Writer's pictureKeri Emme

People Change, It'd Be Weird If They Didn't...


I hate the false narrative that things should stay the same. Your looks, your career, your relationships, your location, your opinions, you name it. You are supposed to hold steady to 1 option and see that through until you die.

It’s not only preposterous, it’s impossible. It is an utterly impossible standard to live up to and the source of many anxieties.


As you move through life, meet new people, and experience new situations, you learn things. You take in new information and react to it. You grow from it.

Who you are at 23 is not going to be who you are at 36. And who you are at 36 is not going to be who you are at 45. (and so on…)Priorities shift, passions fluctuate, want & needs change.

But we all hold onto this idea that “you are who you are.” We are inundated with all these sayings about how “a tiger can’t change it’s stripes,” and the idea is simply incorrect.

Not only do you have the ability to change who you are, change is inevitable. Unavoidable. But because of all these “people can’t change” beliefs, we often attach a sense of shame and guilt to our changes.


The WORST thing anyone could ever be, right?!?! The audacity it must take to make a choice, and then decide to make a different choice. You might as well book your ticket to Hell right now. 😈

Obviously this is hyperbole. But it feels icky to change your mind right?

Does that mean you were wrong before?

Does that mean you were stupid?

Does that mean you can only believe/do this new thing now?

No! It just means you are growing. Learning. Change is the natural result of growth.


Who made the rule that says you have to continue doing the same thing your entire life? And why do we so often jump on people when they decide to make a change? Ourselves included, we are all our own worst critics, ya know…

When I was younger this was one of my biggest offenses, and I wish my friends had called me out on it more often than they did (but I am grateful for the times they did. It helped me recognize my own hurtful patterns).

So this post is me, doing my part to call you out. If someone wants to change what they are doing, support them! And if you want to change how you operate, embrace it!

Wear it loudly and proudly.

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