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About Keri Emme

Hi! I am Keri Emme (pronounced CARE-ee EM) and I am a Naked Body Coach, Writer, & Podcaster. I live in Portland, Oregon with my partner Korey and our dog Hatchet.


My passion is to help other's find their voice and get loud.

As a person in a large body, I grew up constantly trying to shrink myself.

Yes, I do mean physically shrinking my body so I would take up less physical space, but I am also speaking figuratively. 

As women we are taught not to speak up, not to stand up for ourselves, and to put everyone's needs before our own. And as large women, we are often taught we are worth less than slender women. We face discrimination, bullying, and internalized shame, simply because we have been taught we aren't as important due to our size and gender.

FUCK that. 

My healing journey has taught me that the more I love and embrace my naked body and release guilt and shame about the way I look, the easier it is to set boundaries, care for myself, and live a fulfilled life on my terms.


As a Naked Body Coach I now take other women through the journey of shedding the oppressive lessons we've all been taught, and traveling the path back to compassion, love, and valuing our bodies and our minds.

So that is why I am here. To speak loudly and openly about my own journey, the tools that have helped me heal, and to cultivate a safe space for others to do the same. 

My content is created with the aim to encourage others to use their voice and be loud about it.  I am creating a world where we no longer try to hide in the shadows, shrink ourselves, or refuse to rock the boat. 


We've been doing that bullshit for generations, and the boat is fucking sinking. 


It's time to try loving ourselves for a change.


If you are interested in going on this journey with me, I invite you join the waitlist for my latest program:

Fall In Love With Your Naked Body

Use the link in the menu above to get all the details.

And don't forget to follow me on all the socials so you don't miss a thing.

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