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Specializing in tapping into your own innate power through writing, speaking, coaching, & more!


Speaking Engagements

Book me for your next event!

I am available for both virtual and in-person events to speak on a number of topics including (but not limited to):

Inner Child Healing

Emotional Freedom Technique

Nervous System Regulation

Meditation & Thought Work

Feminism & Toxic Masculinity

The Harms of Diet & Gym Culture

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Writing Services

I am a professionally trained writer specializing in creating relatable content that informs on a number of topics. I am available to write guest blog posts, columns, articles, and more. Tap below to reach out for more details.

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EFT Session

Emotional Freedom Technique (commonly referred to as EFT or Tapping) is a practice that helps pull stagnant energy to the surface and allows your body to move & release that energy.

Introductory Sessions are $40 

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