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Keri Emme

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About Me

Hi! I'm Keri Emme (pronounced CARE-ee EM)
I am a Naked Body Coach, Writer, & Podcaster.

My passion is to help other's find their voice and get loud.

As a person in a large body, I grew up constantly trying to shrink myself.

And yes, I mean to physically shrink my body so I would take up less physical space, but I am also speaking figuratively. 

As women we are taught not to speak up, not to stand up for ourselves, and to put everyone's needs before our own. 

FUCK that. 

My healing journey has taught me that the more I love my naked body and release guilt and shame about the way I look, the easier it is to set boundaries, care for myself, and live a fulfilled life on my terms.


In 2022 I created a podcast: Closer Together.

The show's mission is to give a platform to others, encouraging them to speak up about the things they are passionate about. We dive deep into the topics that light other's up so and it is filled with amazingly high vibes. If you haven't listened yet, here is your formal invitation:

I would love for you to listen to the show!

It's available wherever you enjoy podcasts, or you can click the link in the menu up top to listen!

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