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  • Writer's pictureKeri Emme

Finish The Year Delicately

As humans we have a persistent drive to track our time. We count years, days, even minutes. Whether we are waiting for something to end, or gearing up for something to begin, whatever is going on in our lives, we are counting down to it. So it makes sense that we view the end of the year as a finish line.

At the beginning of each year we make resolutions. We find clarity on what we want to achieve in the next 12 months, and as we move through the year we also move closer to our goals.

And then December comes and we begin to panic.

Maybe we aren't close enough to our goals.

Maybe we didn't make enough progress this year.

Maybe we're wondering why we wasted so much time on vacations and self-care when we could have been putting extra hours into our grind.

And that's when this toxic thought starts to creep in:

"Let's finish the year strong"

We start asking ourselves things like:

How can we push ourselves and buckle down to get as close to our goals as possible?

Can we launch a new product to increase our sales?

Can we start hitting the gym every day?

Can we speed read 2 books a week to make up for time lost?

Like a runner on the track, we see the finish line and we start moving our legs as fast as possible.

But here's the thing: There is no finish line.

The end of the year is not the end of your goals.

Ironically the end of the year presents a great opportunity to continue your goals. It's a marker for you to assess what worked for you in the past 12 months, and what didn't.

It's a time to reflect on what you learned, and where you want to put your energy moving forward.

And I'm not just saying this to offer a shitty coping mechanism to avoid the disappointment of not meeting a goal. The end of the year coincides with the beginning of winter. As the long nights and cool weather set in, the energy around us is begging us to slow down and reflect.

Now is not the time for action. Now is the time to rest. Quality rest does not include beating yourself up, speaking rudely to yourself, or punishing yourself as a motivation tactic to get more done next year. You will never be able to shame yourself into being better.

Quality rest is delicate. It involves self-love, compassion, and even pride! When you allow yourself the space to have quality rest, you get a clearer picture on who you are and what you love about yourself.

We are not robots. We are not meant to constantly produce. Sometimes inspiration is high and we have the motivation to match. Sometimes things feel stuck and we'd rather watch TV in bed all day.

Both those things are important.

Look at the earth. It's not spring and summer all year round. Nature needs time to recharge, and everything goes through phases.

If you think you are outside of nature... you're wrong.

So as society pushes you to finish the year strong, I encourage you to tap into your environment and finish the year delicately.

Love on yourself. Reflect on the things you loved about this year. Take note of what you didn't love and adjust your goals accordingly.

Rather than going against nature and pushing to reach a non-existent finish line, retreat, relax, and finish the year delicately.

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